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We are committed to being transparent and accountable in all aspects of our administration. All financial information is provided on this site.

The DDA is funded three ways:

  • Community Development Block Grant – funds administrative costs only
    • The Human Planning Commission determines our awarded amount annually.
    • The few years the DDA has been funded between $30,000 and $36,000 annually.
  • Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District - established in 2011, this funding mechanism allows the DDA to collect the incremental increase in taxes collected as properties increase in value from 2011 to now. Total we collect approximately $15,000 annually.
    • This fund can be used for public improvements in the district, such as streetscape improvements, parking, underground utilities and marketing efforts.
    • The lifespan of the Saginaw DDA TIF is from 2011 – 2030.
  • 2 Mill Levy - adopted in 2017 and collects $1 for every $1,000 of property value in the DDA District. Total we collect approximately $130,000 annually.
    • This tax levy was voted on by the public.

 At the end of fiscal year 2018/2019, the DDA had a fund balance of $210,000. As the 2010 TIF plan indicates, the DDA plans to spend these fund on streetscape improvement projects, property aquisition and infrastructure projects.

Here you can see our financial documents from the past and present.

In compliance with Public Act 57 and the DDA’s desire to be transparent, a listing of current contracts and management services provided to the DDA are available for public review.

You can find our past and current contracts here.